Christopher Hire

Keynote Speaker, Dubai UAE

Keynote speaker Dubai, UAE, Christopher Hire. Spoken at OECD and UN in Geneva both on innovation. Data scientist, designer & worked for a global who's who.

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URGENT: Stock Market Crisis Could Plummet if European House Not ...

Trust is the currency of wealth. Stock markets this week or month could free fall. We really could be plunging into the Great Depression Mark II. And, it is Europe's collective of national leaders fault. Here by regions are some history and, then signs of what may happen.

National airlines like Qantas matter to innovation in island nations

Airlines have become like buses in the sky, and the availability of air travel is an operating assumption of business and families. With security probes, x-rays, long queues, lost baggage, re-routed planes and an unpleasant taxi journey airport -- airline travel is anything but pleasant. Partly this loss of glamour is due to the inevitable move from expensive elite experience to mass transit air-bus.

Are supermarket monopolies efficient markets? Or do they ‘crowd out’ ...

Are supermarkets efficient markets ? Or are they crowding out innovation? All the evidence shows that large monopolies prevent the development of new innovative small and mid-size companies. My thesis is broader however. That certain monopolies in consumer exposed sectors can actually block the development of new products and services, reduce opportunities and slow job creation in the economy.